an average ant is 1-4 inch long .a picnic blanket is 84 inches how many ants long is the picnic blanket


84 / (1/4)

84 * (4/1) = 336 ants long

To find out how many ants long the picnic blanket is, we need to divide the length of the blanket (84 inches) by the average length of an ant (1-4 inches). Since ants can vary in size, let's consider both the minimum and maximum lengths of an ant.

First, let's calculate how many ants long the blanket would be if we assume the minimum length of an ant (1 inch):
84 inches / 1 inch = 84 ants long

Now, let's calculate how many ants long the blanket would be if we assume the maximum length of an ant (4 inches):
84 inches / 4 inches = 21 ants long

Therefore, the picnic blanket would be between 84 ants long (assuming minimum ant size) and 21 ants long (assuming maximum ant size).