Why do we have to learn Shakespeare in English? Most of his plays aren't even original.


He was an ordinary man who managed to put together an amazing array of plays and other writings intended for the ordinary people during his time, not just for the nobility.

His works were so well loved by the people of his time.

His works have lasted and were copied and printed and re-read and re-read and re-read over these 400+ years. (Many works written in the past have simply disappeared. Sometimes we know of an author only because others mention him/her, but we never see any of the work.)

The stories are compelling, some more than others. Regular people or nobility -- people could identify with the stories he told. It doesn't matter if he took an old story and rewrote it; they still "speak" to people. (Think of how many movies are remakes!)

Here are some of the best online resources for Shakespeare and his works:









Learning Shakespeare in English is important for several reasons.

Firstly, Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the greatest playwrights in history. His works have had a profound impact on literature, theater, and the English language itself. By studying Shakespeare, we gain an understanding and appreciation for the rich cultural and literary heritage of the English-speaking world.

Secondly, Shakespeare's plays explore timeless themes and universal human experiences that are still relevant today. Despite being written centuries ago, his works touch on topics such as love, power, betrayal, and the complexity of human nature, which are still relevant and relatable to modern audiences. By reading and analyzing Shakespeare's plays, we can gain insights into the human condition and deepen our understanding of ourselves and others.

Furthermore, Shakespeare's plays are a cornerstone of English literature and have greatly influenced subsequent works of literature and art. Many of his characters, stories, and poetic devices have become archetypes and have been adapted and referenced in countless works across different mediums. Understanding Shakespeare's plays allows us to better appreciate and engage with the broader literary and artistic tradition that has been shaped by his influence.

Lastly, studying Shakespeare can also help improve our language skills. His plays are written in a complex and poetic form of English that challenges readers to expand their vocabulary, analyze grammar and syntax, and decipher figurative language. This can enhance our ability to communicate effectively and appreciate the nuances of language.

In conclusion, learning Shakespeare in English is valuable because it enables us to connect with a significant part of our cultural heritage, explore timeless themes, understand the influence of his works on subsequent literature and art, and improve our language skills.