17.The speed limit of a highway is 55 miles per hour. A car is traveling at least 65 miles per hour. How many miles per hour m over the speed limit is the car traveling?

55 – m ≥ 65; m ≥ 10
m + 65 ≤ 55; m ≤–10
65 – m ≤ 55; m ≤ 10
55 + m ≥ 65; m ≥ 10****

18. Chris earns $7.00 per hour working on the weekends. He needs at least $210.00 for a new cell phone. How many hours, h, does Chris need to work on the weekends to buy a new phone?
h/7.00 > 210.00; h> 30; 30 hours
h/7.00 < 210.00; h < 30; 30 hours
7.00h≥ 210.00; h≥ 30; 30 hours**
7.00h≤ 210.00; h ≤ 30; 30 hours



It was c

18 is not c dont listen to Kex


which one

What is it then

idk bro they just said it wasn’t it but before that they said it was right so idk

for those confused

17 d
18 c