what would be some simple sanitation uses in australia? and you were usin tools made by yourself. the location of australia is in the area of west and south Gippsland. also including Wilsons Promontory, Victoria

I'm not sure what you mean by "sanitation uses." South and west Gippsland has an adequate supply of ground water, so shallow wells could provide water. There are also some short rivers in this region. Waste products could be buried.


(he's in my group, it's a group project)

What he meant was that how we can keep the land clean. Since it's like starting from scratch, there's no modern technology for storing waste. Thank you for helping :)

To keep the land clean in a scenario where modern technology is not available, traditional methods of sanitation and waste management can be employed. Here are some simple sanitation practices that can be implemented:

1. Composting: Start a composting system to manage organic waste such as food scraps and garden debris. This can be done by constructing a compost heap or using compost bins made from materials on-hand like wood or metal. Compost can then be used to enrich the soil for gardening or farming.

2. Pit latrines: Construct simple pit latrines for human waste disposal. Dig a hole in a designated area and construct a basic toilet structure above it. Cover the waste with soil or ash to reduce odor and promote decomposition.

3. Greywater recycling: Reuse household wastewater, known as greywater, to minimize water wastage. Install a simple filtering system using materials such as gravel and sand to remove contaminants. The filtered water can then be used for irrigation or other non-potable purposes.

4. Waste segregation and burial: Separate waste into different categories such as organic waste, recyclables, and non-recyclables. Burial pits can be dug to dispose of non-recyclable waste in a controlled manner, ensuring that it does not contaminate the environment.

5. Land preservation: Implement land management practices that help preserve the environment and reduce pollution. This may include measures such as maintaining natural vegetation, preventing soil erosion, and minimizing the use of harmful chemicals.

Remember, these practices are meant to be temporary solutions until modern technology and infrastructure can be developed. It's important to prioritize the health and safety of individuals while minimizing the impact on the environment.

Note: It is advisable to consult with local authorities and experts in the area to ensure that the sanitation practices implemented align with any specific regulations or guidelines.