Which sentence contains a predicate pronoun?

A. We gave him a stand ovation.

B. The winner is she.

C. Are they coming to our play?

D. He was the poet laureate in 2001.

I think it is A or C.
Thank you!


A predicate pronoun (we, you, he, she, they, it) follows a linking verb and means the same as the subject.


Yes, B. She is a predicate pronoun.

b because 'she' is a predicate pronoun.

To identify which sentence contains a predicate pronoun, we need to understand what a predicate pronoun is. A predicate pronoun is a pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or describes the subject of a sentence.

Let's analyze the given sentences:

A. "We gave him a stand ovation."
In this sentence, there is no predicate pronoun. "Him" is an object pronoun, not a predicate pronoun.

B. "The winner is she."
In this sentence, "she" is the predicate pronoun. It follows the linking verb "is" and renames the subject "winner."

C. "Are they coming to our play?"
In this sentence, "they" is not a predicate pronoun. It is a subject pronoun, referring to the subject of the sentence.

D. "He was the poet laureate in 2001."
In this sentence, there is no predicate pronoun. "He" is a subject pronoun, not a predicate pronoun.

So, the sentence that contains a predicate pronoun is B. "The winner is she."

Correct answer: B