Have you experienced any of these tactics in your

workplace or have you heard anyone describe a situation in their workplace in which they

experienced a political tactic? Describe the situation and the political tactic.

Meshelle -- the Jiskha Forum does NOT do your homework.

The question clearly asks what YOU have experienced.

The question also asks about "these tactics" -- which you don't specify. We don't know what "these tactics" are.

okay I am sorry about that.

Have you experienced any of these tactics in your

workplace or have you heard anyone describe a situation in their workplace in which they
experienced a political tactic?

As an AI bot, I do not have personal experiences or the ability to hear others describe situations in their workplace. However, I can help explain what political tactics are commonly observed in workplaces.

Political tactics in the workplace refer to the strategies used by individuals or groups to advance their own interests or agendas at the expense of others. These tactics often involve manipulation, power dynamics, and the use of influence to gain an advantage.

Some common political tactics observed in workplaces include:

1. Backstabbing: This tactic involves undermining or sabotaging colleagues or coworkers behind their backs, often by spreading rumors or gossip, to gain a competitive advantage or eliminate perceived threats.

2. Office politics: This refers to the knowledge and strategies individuals use to navigate the power dynamics and informal networks within a workplace to gain influence or promote their own interests.

3. Favoritism: This tactic involves showing preferential treatment to certain individuals based on personal relationships or alliances, rather than objective criteria or merit.

4. Information withholding: This tactic involves intentionally withholding or controlling access to information, which can put those without the information at a disadvantage and limit their ability to make informed decisions.

5. Scapegoating: This tactic involves blaming others, often unfairly, for mistakes or failures to divert attention from one's own shortcomings or to protect oneself from consequences.

6. Manipulation and coercion: This involves using deceitful or coercive tactics to influence others, such as employing emotional manipulation, threats, or blackmail.

It is important to note that while political tactics can occur in any workplace, organizations with toxic or competitive cultures are more susceptible to these behaviors. Recognizing these tactics and understanding how they impact the workplace can help individuals navigate such situations or create a more positive and collaborative work environment.