Identify the italicized part of the sentence.

As well as being a competent secretary, Lauren has become the informal club vice president.

A. subject
B. predicate
C. direct object
D. indirect object
E. predicate noun
F. predicate adjective

What's italicized?
Study those terms here before letting us know what YOU THINK, please. No guessing ... that'll be too obvious!

Identify the italicized part of the sentence.

Mike rode his motorcycle on the dirt track.


To identify the italicized part of the sentence, we need to analyze the sentence structure and determine the role of the phrase in question.

In this sentence, the phrase "as well as being a competent secretary" is describing the subject of the sentence, Lauren. It provides additional information about her and her abilities. Therefore, the italicized part of the sentence is functioning as a predicate adjective (option F).

To arrive at this answer, it is necessary to be familiar with the different sentence parts and their functions. Specifically, understanding predicate adjectives helps recognize how they modify the subject of a sentence by providing additional information or describing it.