I have to do this project which is worth 50% of my grade and part of the project is a question asking, "Which would be the best design for an ice cube?" The choices are a cube, a sphere, or a cylinder. I need to explain why I think which of them are best. Can somebody help me out with an example ?

The question is poorly worded.

"Which would be the best design for an ice cube?"
based on what?
Given some fixed surface area ?
- which is rather meaningless for an ice "cube"
Stability of storing?
- trays to freeze spherical ice "cubes" don't seem very efficient.
... etc

let's suppose our ice "cube" is to contain 100 cm^3

as a cube:
let each side be x
so x^3 = 100
x = appr 4.64 cm
surface area = 6(4.64)^2 = appr 129.3 cm^2

as a sphere:
(4/3)π r^3 = 100
r^3 = 300/(4π)
r = appr 2.88 cm
surface area = 4π(2.88)^2 = appr 104.2 cm^2

as a cylinder, with height = diameter
π r^2 r = 100
r^3 = 100/π
r = 3.169
Surface area = 2πr^2 + 2πr^2
= 4πr^2 = appr 126.2 cm^2

looks like for this criteria, the sphere would be "best"

Of course! I can help you with that. When determining the best design for an ice cube, there are a few factors to consider: shape, surface area, and melting rate. Let's analyze each design option and explain their advantages and disadvantages:

1. Cube:
The cube shape is simple and easy to manufacture. It is also commonly used for ice cubes in many households. One advantage of a cube-shaped ice cube is that it fits well in most drinks. However, there are a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, due to its sharp corners, a cube may cause discomfort when drinking, especially if it bumps against your teeth or lips. Additionally, cubes tend to melt relatively quickly because their surface area is larger compared to other shapes.

2. Sphere:
A spherical ice cube has a smaller surface area relative to its volume compared to a cube. This means that it will melt slower since there is less surface exposed to the surrounding temperature. Spherical ice cubes can also be visually appealing and add an aesthetic touch to drinks. However, creating a perfect sphere for your ice cube might be a bit more challenging than making a cube using conventional ice cube trays.

3. Cylinder:
Similar to a sphere, a cylindrical ice cube has a smaller surface area compared to its volume when compared to a cube. This results in a slower melting rate for cylindrical ice cubes. Additionally, cylindrical ice cubes are relatively easy to make using ice molds or even repurposed cylindrical containers. However, the cylindrical shape may not fit as well in certain glassware or drink containers.

To summarize, choosing the best design for an ice cube depends on your priorities. If you prioritize simplicity and convenience, a cube is a good option. If you want the ice cube to melt slower and have an appealing shape, a sphere or cylinder may be more suitable. Ultimately, consider your personal preferences, practicality, and aesthetic aspects when making your choice.