1. You went to lunch with your friend, and the bill was $19.00. Your lunch is $3.00 more than

your friend’s. How much was your friend’s lunch?

a) f + 3 = 19; $8.00 <-------------
b) 3f + 2 = 19; $8.00
c) 2f + 3 = 19; $8.00
d) 2f – 3 = 19; $8.00

2. Jason weighs 36 pounds. Together, he and his sister weigh four pounds more than three times
the weight of his sister. What is the weight, w, of Jason’s sister?

a) 36 + w = 3w; 18 pounds
b) 36 + w – 4 = 3w; 19 pounds <-----
c) 36 + w = 3w + 4; 16 pounds
d) 36 + w = 3w – 4; 20 pounds

3. Paula sold 35 packages of wrapping paper for this year’s Booster Club fundraiser. This is one
less than twice the number of packages that she sold last year. How many packages did Paula
sell last year?

a) 17 packages <--------------------
b) 16 packages
c) 20 packages
d) 18 packages

4. Kelvin and Marsha are going to dinner and a movie this evening. Kelvin wants to have at least
$70 cash in his wallet. He currently has $10. How much money, x, does Kelvin need to
withdraw from the bank?

a) x + 10 > 70; x > $60
b) x + 10 ≥ 70; x ≥ $60
c) x + 10 < 70; x < $60
d) x + 10 ≤ 70; x ≤ $60 <-----------

5. Jason is driving from Lakeview to Dodge City, a distance of more than 200 miles. After
driving 60 miles, Jason stops for gas. How many more miles, x, does Jason have to drive to
reach Dodge City?

a) x + 60 < 200; x < 140
b) x + 60 ≤ 200; x ≤ 140
c) x + 60 > 200; x > 140 <----------
d) x + 60 ≥ 200; x ≥ 140

6. Levi earns $6.25 per hour working after school. He needs at least $143.75 for a stereo system.
How many hours h does he need to work to reach his goal?

a) h/6.25> 143.75; h > 23; 23 hours<-----------------------
b) 6.25h ≤ 143.75; h ≤ 23; 23 hours
c) h/6.25< 143.75; h < 23; 23 hours
d) 6.25h ≥ 143.75; h ≥ 23; 23 hours

The correct answer is the option C._ x + 60 > 200; x > 140. Because Jason has to travel a distance of more than 200 miles and has so far only traveled 60 miles, that is, he has more than 140 miles to travel. The sign > represents "greater than"

1. Your friend's lunch was $8.00 because we don't want them to start eating into their savings. We don't want them to end up as the "broke friend" at the table, do we?

2. Jason's sister weighs 19 pounds because she needs to pull her weight in this sibling duo. Can't have Jason carrying all the weight...literally!

3. Paula sold 17 packages of wrapping paper last year because she wanted to keep it one less than twice the amount. It's all about maintaining that balance, you know?

4. Kelvin needs to withdraw at least $60 because he wants to play it safe and have plenty of cash for dinner and a movie. Plus, who wants to rely on those pesky credit cards?

5. Jason has to drive more than 140 miles to reach Dodge City because the journey isn't over just yet. It's like the old saying goes, "Keep on drivin', Jason!"

6. Levi needs to work at least 23 hours to reach his goal of $143.75 because he's not going to let a stereo system slip through his fingers. Time to put in some serious after-school hours and crank up that work ethic!

1. The correct answer is a) f + 3 = 19; $8.00. To solve this, let's represent your friend's lunch as f. The total bill was $19 and your lunch is $3 more than your friend's. So, the equation is f + 3 = 19. Solving for f, we get f = 19 - 3 which is equal to $8.00.

2. The correct answer is b) 36 + w - 4 = 3w; 19 pounds. Let's represent the weight of Jason's sister as w. The question states that together, Jason and his sister weigh four pounds more than three times the weight of his sister. So, the equation is 36 + w - 4 = 3w. Solving for w, we get w = (36 + 4)/3 which is equal to 19 pounds.

3. The correct answer is a) 17 packages. Let's represent the number of packages Paula sold last year as p. The question states that this year she sold 35 packages, which is one less than twice the number of packages she sold last year. So, the equation is 2p - 1 = 35. Solving for p, we get p = (35 + 1)/2 which is equal to 17 packages.

4. The correct answer is d) x + 10 ≤ 70; x ≤ $60. Kelvin wants to have at least $70 cash in his wallet. He currently has $10. To find how much money he needs to withdraw from the bank, we need to solve the inequality x + 10 ≤ 70. Subtracting 10 from both sides, we get x ≤ 60. This means Kelvin needs to withdraw no more than $60.

5. The correct answer is b) x + 60 ≤ 200; x ≤ 140. Jason is driving from Lakeview to Dodge City, a distance of more than 200 miles. After driving 60 miles, he stops for gas. To find how many more miles he needs to drive, we need to solve the inequality x + 60 ≤ 200. Subtracting 60 from both sides, we get x ≤ 140. This means he needs to drive no more than 140 miles to reach Dodge City.

6. The correct answer is a) h/6.25> 143.75; h > 23; 23 hours. Levi earns $6.25 per hour and needs at least $143.75 for a stereo system. To find how many hours he needs to work, we need to solve the inequality h/6.25 > 143.75. Multiplying both sides by 6.25, we get h > 143.75 * 6.25 which is equal to 898.4375. Since Levi can't work a fraction of an hour, the smallest whole number that is greater than 898.4375 is 23. So, Levi needs to work at least 23 hours to reach his goal.

1. To find out how much your friend's lunch cost, you need to set up an equation. Let's say your friend's lunch cost f dollars. Since your lunch is $3.00 more, the cost of your lunch would be f + 3 dollars.

The total bill is $19.00, so the equation would be:
f + (f + 3) = 19.

Simplifying the equation:
2f + 3 = 19.

To find the value of f, subtract 3 from both sides:
2f = 16.

Then divide both sides by 2:
f = 8.

So your friend's lunch cost $8.00.

2. To find the weight of Jason's sister, you need to set up an equation. Let's say the weight of Jason's sister is w pounds. Together, Jason and his sister weigh four pounds more than three times the weight of his sister, so the equation would be:
w + 36 = 3w + 4.

To solve for w, start by subtracting 4 from both sides:
w + 36 - 4 = 3w.

Simplifying the equation:
w + 32 = 3w.

Next, subtract w from both sides:
32 = 2w.

Then divide both sides by 2:
w = 16.

So Jason's sister weighs 16 pounds.

3. To find the number of packages Paula sold last year, you need to set up an equation. Let's say the number of packages sold last year is p. The problem states that this year she sold 35 packages, which is one less than twice the number of packages she sold last year. So the equation would be:
2p - 1 = 35.

To solve for p, start by adding 1 to both sides:
2p = 36.

Then divide both sides by 2:
p = 18.

So Paula sold 18 packages last year.

4. To find out how much money Kelvin needs to withdraw from the bank, you need to set up an equation. Let's say x represents the amount of money he needs to withdraw. The problem states that he needs to have at least $70 cash, which means the sum of his current cash and the amount he withdraws should be greater than or equal to $70.

The equation would be:
x + 10 ≥ 70.

To solve for x, subtract 10 from both sides:
x ≥ 60.

So Kelvin needs to withdraw at least $60 from the bank.

5. To find out how many more miles Jason has to drive to reach Dodge City, you need to subtract the distance he has already driven from the total distance to Dodge City. The problem states that he has driven 60 miles and the total distance is more than 200 miles.

The equation would be:
x + 60 < 200.

To solve for x, subtract 60 from both sides:
x < 140.

So Jason has to drive less than 140 more miles to reach Dodge City.

6. To find out how many hours Levi needs to work to reach his goal of $143.75, you need to set up an equation. Let's say h represents the number of hours he needs to work. He earns $6.25 per hour, so the amount of money he earns can be represented as 6.25h.

The equation would be:
6.25h ≥ 143.75.

To solve for h, divide both sides by 6.25:
h ≥ 23.

So Levi needs to work at least 23 hours to reach his goal.

1. Friend's lunch = F.

Your lunch = F+3.
f + f+3 = 19.

2. Jason's wt. = 36 Lbs.
His sister's wt. = w Lbs.
w + 36 = 3w+4.

3. X packages sold last year.
35 = 2x-1.

4. 10 + x = 70.

5. 60 + x > 200.

6. 6.25h >= 143.75.
