11. Which key issue did the Great Compromise resolve?

whether to tax exports

slaves in the population

how to elect the President

representation for the states***

12. What was a significant effect of Shays' Rebellion?

It forced the state government to stop taxing the farmers.

It showed people that the Articles of Confederation was effective.

It convinced people that a strong federal government was needed.

It persuaded the federal government to accept crops as payment for taxes

13. In addition to cooking and cleaning, what other duties did colonial girls often have?

Once they reached thirteen years of age, they were responsible for caring for pregnant women and infants.

They would often help their mothers create household goods like clothing, candles, and soap that could be traded.***

At fifteen years old, they became responsible for supervising the slaves and servants, and entertaining guests.

They were normally responsible for planning the family's religious activities, but their plans had to be approved by their mother.

14. During his presidency, Thomas Jefferson cut prices on land and encouraged westward settlement. What was Jefferson's motive for doing these things?

He was seeking to cut military spending.
He had a vision of a more agrarian society.***
He wanted to increase taxes to reduce government debt.
He was trying to encourage more people to move to the U.S.

15. Which of the following best explains why Americans in the north and east were less supportive of the War of 1812?

they relied more on British trade ****

their religions prohibited them from fighting

They were more interested in expanding westward

their politics focused on resolving issues without war

11 - yes

12 - you made no choice
13 - yes (they also did some farm chores, like tending chickens)
14 - yes
15 - yes

opps! For #12 I meant

It convinced people that a strong federal government was needed.

To get the answer to question 11 (Which key issue did the Great Compromise resolve?), you need to review the historical context of the Great Compromise. During the Constitutional Convention in 1787, there were debates over the issue of representation in the new government. The larger states wanted representation based on population, while the smaller states wanted equal representation for all states.

The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, resolved this issue by establishing a bicameral legislature. This compromise satisfied both the larger and smaller states by creating a House of Representatives, where representation would be based on population, and a Senate, where each state would have equal representation.

Therefore, the correct answer is "representation for the states."

To answer question 12 (What was a significant effect of Shays' Rebellion?), you'll need to understand the events surrounding Shays' Rebellion. Shays' Rebellion was an armed uprising that occurred in Massachusetts in 1786-1787. It was led by farmers who were protesting against high taxes and economic policies that were causing them financial hardship.

The rebellion highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, the governing document at the time. It demonstrated that the federal government, under the Articles, lacked the authority and ability to suppress internal unrest and maintain order.

As a significant effect, Shays' Rebellion convinced people that a strong federal government was needed to maintain stability and prevent future uprisings. Therefore, the correct answer is "It convinced people that a strong federal government was needed."

To find the answer to question 13 (In addition to cooking and cleaning, what other duties did colonial girls often have?), you need to analyze the roles and responsibilities of colonial girls during that time period.

From historical accounts, it is known that once colonial girls reached thirteen years of age, they were often given the responsibility of caring for pregnant women and infants. However, it is important to note that this responsibility was not the only duty they had.

Another significant duty that colonial girls often had was helping their mothers create household goods like clothing, candles, and soap that could be traded. This was an important aspect of their contribution to the household economy.

Therefore, the correct answer is "They would often help their mothers create household goods like clothing, candles, and soap that could be traded."

To answer question 14 (During his presidency, Thomas Jefferson cut prices on land and encouraged westward settlement. What was Jefferson's motive for doing these things?), you need to understand the motives and objectives of Thomas Jefferson during his presidency.

During his presidency, Thomas Jefferson had a vision of a more agrarian society. He believed in the importance of a strong agricultural base and wanted to promote westward settlement to expand agriculture.

As part of his efforts to achieve this vision, Jefferson implemented policies to cut prices on land, making it more affordable for settlers. This, in turn, encouraged westward expansion and increased the number of people moving to the western territories of the United States.

Therefore, the correct answer is "He had a vision of a more agrarian society."

Finally, to answer question 15 (Which of the following best explains why Americans in the north and east were less supportive of the War of 1812?), you need to consider the regional differences and interests during that time period.

During the War of 1812, the northern and eastern regions of America relied more heavily on British trade. They had strong economic ties with Britain, and any disruption in trade would have severe repercussions for the economy of these regions.

Therefore, the correct answer is "they relied more on British trade."