Square root of 192984477483837

13891885.31 approximately


To find the square root of a large number like 192984477483837, you can use a calculator or a mathematical software program. However, I can provide you with an explanation of how to approximate the square root manually.

1. Begin by separating the large number into pairs of digits from right to left.
In this case, we get: 1, 92, 98, 44, 77, 48, 38, 37.

2. Take the largest perfect square less than or equal to the leftmost pair. In this case, it is 1.

3. Divide the leftmost pair (1) by the perfect square (1).
1 ÷ 1 = 1

4. Multiply the divisor (1) by itself and subtract it from the leftmost pair (1).
1 - (1 x 1) = 0

5. Bring down the next pair (92) and double the divisor (1).
The number becomes: 192

6. Consider a value for the next digit of the root, which will be the "quotient" in this case.
To find this value, we look for the largest digit x such that (20 × divisor × x) is less than or equal to the current dividend (192). In this case, x = 9.

7. Multiply the divisor (1) by the quotient (9) and subtract it from the current dividend (192).
192 - (1 x 9) = 183.

8. Write the quotient (9) as the next digit of the root.
The approximate square root is 9.

9. Repeat steps 5-8 with the new dividend (183) until all the digits have been considered.

By following this process, you would eventually find that the approximate square root of 192984477483837 is 13898591.