Write an inequality to model The situation the number n of the people who attended the game was at least 50

A. N > 50
B. N < 50••
C. None of the above

Why did you star that N is less than 50?

N>= 50 so none of the above

The correct inequality to model the situation where the number of people who attended the game was at least 50 would be:

A. N ≥ 50

The correct inequality to model the situation that the number of people who attended the game was at least 50 is option A, N > 50.

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's break it down:

The symbol ">" means "greater than." So, N > 50 can be read as "N is greater than 50."

In this context, N represents the number of people who attended the game. By saying N > 50, we are stating that the value of N is greater than 50, which means that the number of people who attended the game is at least 50.

Option B, N < 50, represents the opposite scenario. It says that the number of people who attended the game is less than 50, which contradicts the given information.

Therefore, the correct inequality to model the situation is N > 50, making option A the correct answer.