what are independent, dependent and itervening variable in baking a cke for research proposal

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independent: temperature,time

intervening: batter water content, thickness, pan type
dependent: "doneness"

In the context of a research proposal regarding baking a cake, we can define the following variables:

1. Independent variable: This variable is manipulated or controlled by the researcher. It is the factor that is intentionally changed or varied to observe its effect on the dependent variable. In the case of baking a cake, examples of independent variables could be the type of flour used, the amount of sugar, or the baking temperature.

2. Dependent variable: This variable is the outcome or result that is measured or observed in response to the independent variable(s). It is the variable that the researcher is interested in studying, as it depends on the variation of the independent variable. In the case of baking a cake, the dependent variable could be the cake's texture, taste, or appearance.

3. Intervening variable: This variable is sometimes referred to as a mediating or intermediate variable. It is a variable that comes between the independent variable and the dependent variable in the cause-and-effect relationship. In the context of baking a cake, an intervening variable could be the oven temperature, which may affect the final outcome of the cake in combination with the chosen independent variables.

To conduct a research proposal on baking a cake, you would need to identify the specific independent variables that you want to manipulate, determine the dependent variables you want to measure, and consider any intervening variables that could influence the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. By controlling and investigating these variables, you can gather data and draw conclusions relevant to your research proposal.