If you were one of the new immigrants who arrived in America in the 1880s, it's most likely that you would have been

(A. German and Lutheran.)
B. Irish and Protestant.
C. Swedish and Protestant.
D. Italian and Catholic.

Answers in ()

i agree.

Thank you! I also posted another question, is it possible if you could check that for me?

It was wrong

1880s? I'd still go with the German/Lutheran influx.

I think the northern Europeans peaked a little earlier. I'd have said the Italians. Not sure, though. )

Reed is correct.

Scroll down to the 1880-1930 section.

To find the answer to this question, we need to gather information about immigrants arriving in America in the 1880s. One approach is to examine historical data and trends during that time period.

During the 1880s, there was a significant influx of immigrants to the United States, primarily from Europe. Among the countries that experienced high rates of emigration were Germany, Ireland, Sweden, and Italy. These immigrants often sought better economic opportunities and escape from religious or political persecution in their home countries.

Now, let's consider the answer choices:

A. German and Lutheran: Germany did indeed experience a substantial outflow of emigrants during the 1880s. Religion-wise, Germany was predominantly Protestant, with Lutheranism being the dominant Protestant denomination. So, this answer choice is plausible.

B. Irish and Protestant: Ireland faced persistent economic challenges during this period, leading to increased Irish emigration. However, the dominant religion in Ireland was Catholicism, not Protestantism. Therefore, this answer choice is unlikely.

C. Swedish and Protestant: Sweden also experienced significant emigration during the 1880s, particularly due to economic difficulties. The majority of Swedes were members of the Protestant Church of Sweden. Therefore, this answer choice is reasonable.

D. Italian and Catholic: Italy also witnessed a large number of emigrants during this time. Italy was predominantly Catholic, with Catholicism being the primary religion of the Italian population. Thus, this answer choice is probable.

From the analysis above, it is most likely that if you were one of the new immigrants who arrived in America in the 1880s, you would have been either A. German and Lutheran or D. Italian and Catholic.