1 2/5 divided by 21

Which example is correct

7/5 * 1/21 = 7/105 = 1/15

or is it?

5/7 * 21/1 = 105/7 =15

You asked this question yesterday. The answer is still the same.

To solve the division problem 1 2/5 divided by 21, we can convert the mixed number 1 2/5 into an improper fraction.

1 2/5 = (5*1 + 2)/5 = 7/5

Now, we have 7/5 divided by 21. To divide fractions, we can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. In this case, we need to multiply 7/5 by 1/21.

So, let's calculate:

7/5 * 1/21 = (7*1)/(5*21) = 7/105

Therefore, the result is 7/105.

Now, let's compare the example you provided:

1. 7/5 * 1/21 = 7/105 = 1/15
2. 5/7 * 21/1 = 105/7 = 15

Example 1 is correct. The result of 7/5 divided by 21 is 7/105, which is indeed equal to 1/15.

If you have asked the same question before and received the same response, it means that the answer remains consistent.