Experts argue that a significant water shortage by 2025 will be caused by

a. rising ocean levels.
b. drastic increase in water usage by humans.***
c. drastic increase in usage by a growing animal population.
d. raging, out-of-control wildfires that are spreading throughout many of the Earth’s dry regions.

Climate change (causing droughts) will also be a factor, but of these answers, you've chosen well.

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Socialists is the "same" as commies

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to carefully analyze each option.

a. Rising ocean levels: While rising ocean levels can certainly lead to water-related issues in coastal areas, they do not directly cause water shortages. Therefore, this option may not be the correct answer.

b. Drastic increase in water usage by humans: This option seems to be the most plausible answer. As human populations increase and water demands grow, it puts a strain on water resources, potentially leading to shortages. However, let's continue analyzing the other options before concluding.

c. Drastic increase in usage by a growing animal population: While animal populations can have an impact on water resources, it is not the primary cause of water shortages. Therefore, this option may not be the correct answer.

d. Raging, out-of-control wildfires that are spreading throughout many of the Earth's dry regions: While wildfires can certainly cause damage to ecosystems and the environment, leading to temporary disruptions in water supply, they are not the main cause of long-term water shortages. So, this option may not be the correct answer.

In comparison, option b appears to be the most logical and supported answer. The drastic increase in water usage by humans, driven by factors like population growth, industrial expansion, and agricultural needs, is a major contributor to potential water shortages. Therefore, option b is the most likely correct answer.