the formula mass of an unknown compound is 44.009 amu. What is its molar mass?

Would you believe 44.009 grams/mol or the molar mass is 44.009.

To determine the molar mass of a compound when given its formula mass, you need to know the molecular formula of the compound. The molar mass is the mass of one mole of the substance, expressed in grams/mole.

The formula mass represents the sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule. It is also known as the molecular weight or molecular mass.

In your case, you provided the formula mass of the unknown compound as 44.009 amu. However, without knowing the molecular formula of the compound, it is not possible to calculate the molar mass accurately.

If you have the molecular formula of the compound, you can determine the molar mass by multiplying the atomic mass of each element by the number of atoms in the formula and adding them together.

For example, if the compound's molecular formula is H2O, you would calculate the molar mass as follows:
Molar Mass(H2O) = (2 * Atomic Mass(Hydrogen)) + Atomic Mass(Oxygen)

However, without the molecular formula, it is not possible to provide an exact molar mass.