All of the following helped an artist learn throughout experimentation except

Using standard materials in the manner in which they were intended

Do you think standard techniques and new combinations to create different effects ••

Create new ways of using materials

Using new ideas to create innovation technology

I disagree.

What is the best way to fully understand genre of art

Critique two examples of art from genre

Evaluate it based on criteria for another genre of art

Research its history, development and characteristic style••

Study art from the same time period

To determine which of the options did not help an artist learn through experimentation, we can analyze each option individually.

1. Using standard materials in the manner in which they were intended: This option implies that an artist uses materials in their conventional and typical way. This approach may not necessarily lead to learning through experimentation, as it does not involve exploring new techniques or pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. Therefore, this option aligns with the idea that it did not help an artist learn.

2. Using standard techniques and new combinations to create different effects: This option suggests that an artist combines traditional techniques with innovative combinations to achieve unique effects. By experimenting with these combinations, an artist can expand their understanding and skills, leading to learning and growth.

3. Creating new ways of using materials: This option encourages an artist to think outside the box and explore unconventional ways of using materials. Through this experimentation, an artist can gain new insights and skills, fostering learning and artistic development.

4. Using new ideas to create innovative technology: This option suggests that an artist incorporates new ideas and technologies into their artistic process. By embracing innovation, an artist can discover new possibilities, learn about emerging technologies, and expand their artistic practices.

Based on this analysis, the option that did not involve learning through experimentation is "Using standard materials in the manner in which they were intended."