Which statement describes someone who is formidable ?

The principal smiled warmly as he welcome the new student

The doctor told the boys father that the illness was not serious

The woman towered above the small boy and spoke sternly••

The boys father sat at the foot of the bed and read a funny story

The boys father sat at the foot of the bed and read a funny story

What is it???

The statement that describes someone who is formidable is "The woman towered above the small boy and spoke sternly."

To understand the meaning of the word "formidable," we can break it down and analyze it. "Formidable" is an adjective that describes something or someone who is powerful, strong, and capable of being a challenge or intimidating. In this case, the woman's physical height and stern tone of voice make her appear intimidating, which aligns with the definition of being formidable.


?huh which one?

The answer is C, "The woman towered above the small boy and spoke sternly".