Which of the following options best describes the function graphed below?

A graph shows a slanting straight line that starts at the origin and goes up.

Nonlinear increasing

Nonlinear decreasing

Linear increasing

Linear decreasing
I believe the answer is C. but I also think its D but I'm seriously stuck

Based on the description of the graph, it is a slanting straight line that starts at the origin and goes up.

A linear function is defined as a function that can be represented by a straight line.

In this case, the line is slanting and goes up, which indicates an increasing slope.

Therefore, the best option that describes the function graphed below is:

C. Linear increasing

To determine which option best describes the function graphed, we need to analyze the characteristics of the graph.

First, we observe that the graph is a straight line. This means that the function is linear and not nonlinear.

Second, we can see that the line starts at the origin (0,0) and goes up. This indicates that the function is increasing.

Now, let's break down each option to see which one matches the characteristics of the function graphed:

A. Nonlinear increasing: We have already determined that the graphed function is linear, so this option can be eliminated.

B. Nonlinear decreasing: Since the graphed line goes up, it is not decreasing, so this option can also be eliminated.

C. Linear increasing: The graphed line is indeed linear and goes up, which matches the characteristics of the function graphed. This option accurately describes the function.

D. Linear decreasing: The graphed line goes up, so it is not decreasing, making this option incorrect.

Therefore, option C, "Linear increasing," is the best description of the function graphed.

Well, usually increasing means going up to the right.

(positive slope)

Decreasing means going up to the left (negative slope)

The question is poorly worded since the English words "goes up"
really do not tell you the mathematical direction :)