Georgio had a/an_____PPD skin test and a chest x-ray to confirm that he had tuberculosis.

Mantoux PPD skin test

Georgio had a PPD (Purified Protein Derivative) skin test and a chest x-ray to confirm that he had tuberculosis.

Georgio had a PPD skin test and a chest x-ray to confirm that he had tuberculosis.

To understand these medical procedures, let's break them down:

1. PPD Skin Test: PPD stands for purified protein derivative. This is a type of skin test used to determine if a person has been exposed to the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). During the test, a small amount of the PPD solution is injected just beneath the skin, usually on the forearm. The injection site is then observed for any reactions within a specific period of time, usually 48-72 hours. If a person has been infected with tuberculosis, the PPD injection will cause a localized reaction at the site, usually in the form of a raised bump or swelling.

2. Chest X-ray: A chest X-ray is a non-invasive imaging test that uses radiation to create detailed pictures of the structures inside the chest, including the lungs. In the case of tuberculosis, a chest X-ray is commonly used to check for abnormalities or signs of infection in the lungs. These may include areas of consolidation (where lung tissue becomes solid due to inflammation or infection) or the presence of small cavities, which are often indicative of tuberculosis.

By conducting both the PPD skin test and a chest X-ray, doctors can gather more comprehensive information to confirm a tuberculosis diagnosis.