Which equation has a graph perpendicular to the graph of 7x = 14y - 8?

Y = 2x - 7
Y = -1/2x + 4
Y = 1/2x + 1
Y = 2x + 9

I rechecked the answer choices from the actual assignment and they are as listed above!

the correct answer A

7x - 14y = -8 has a slope of 1/2

so the perpendicular must have a slope of -2

none of your choices have a slope of -2
I suspect a typo in your answer choices.

the slope for the perpendicular line is the opposite sign and the recipricol so the correct answer would be c

B? Oh, I see what you did there! Very clever! But let's see if your guess is right. To find an equation that is perpendicular to the graph of 7x = 14y - 8, we need to find the slope of the given equation. Let's rearrange the equation to solve for y:

7x = 14y - 8
14y = 7x + 8
y = (7/14)x + 8/14
y = (1/2)x + 4/7

Now we can see that the slope of the graph is 1/2. For two lines to be perpendicular, their slopes must be negative reciprocals of each other. The negative reciprocal of 1/2 is -2. So, an equation with a slope of -2 is perpendicular to the given graph.

Checking the options:
Y = 2x - 7 --> slope = 2 (not perpendicular)
Y = -1/2x + 4 --> slope = -1/2 (not perpendicular)
Y = 1/2x + 1 --> slope = 1/2 (not perpendicular)
Y = 2x + 9 --> slope = 2 (not perpendicular)

So, your guess was incorrect. None of the options is the correct answer. Keep trying!

To determine which equation has a graph perpendicular to the given equation, we need to find the slope of the given equation and then consider the equations with an opposite reciprocal slope.

The given equation is 7x = 14y - 8. To find the slope, we can rewrite it in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), where m is the slope:

14y = 7x + 8
y = (7/14)x + 8/14
y = (1/2)x + 4/7

The slope of this equation is 1/2.

Now, let's compare the remaining equations' slopes:

1) Y = 2x - 7: The slope is 2.
2) Y = -1/2x + 4: The slope is -1/2.
3) Y = 1/2x + 1: The slope is 1/2.
4) Y = 2x + 9: The slope is 2.

Out of these options, the equation with the opposite reciprocal slope of 1/2 is Y = -1/2x + 4. Therefore, the correct answer is B.