Taylor's home street address has five digits. Two digits have values of 60,000 and 300. The last digit is 9.the value of each of the other digits is ten times the value of the digit 9 the right . What's Taylor's home street address number.

From the first three sentences, I get this.

6 _ 3 _ 9

10 times 300 = 3,000

So --

6 3 3 _ 9

10 times 9 = 90

That gives us


To find Taylor's home street address number, let's go step by step:

Step 1: Let's denote the five digits of Taylor's home street address as ABCDE, from left to right.

Step 2: We are given that the last digit is 9, so E = 9.

Step 3: We are also given that two digits have values of 60,000 and 300. These two digits must be A and B, as they are larger numbers. Therefore, A = 6 and B = 0.

Step 4: We are told that the value of each of the other digits is ten times the value of the digit 9 on the right. So, D = 10 * 9 = 90.

Step 5: According to Step 4, all remaining digits are ten times the value of 9. Therefore, C = 10 * 9 = 90.

Putting it all together, Taylor's home street address is 60990.

To find Taylor's home street address number, we need to determine the value of each digit based on the information given. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Two digits have values of 60,000 and 300:
- The first digit has a value of 60,000, which means it is in the ten-thousandths place.
- The second digit has a value of 300, which means it is in the hundreds place.

2. The last digit is 9:
- The value of the last digit is straightforward, as it is explicitly mentioned.

3. The value of each of the other digits is ten times the value of the digit to its right:
- This means that the value of the first digit to the left of 9 is ten times the value of 9, which is 90.
- The value of the next digit to the left is ten times the value of the previous digit (90), which is 900.

So far, we have the following values:
First digit: 60,000
Second digit: 300
Third digit: 900
Fourth digit: 90
Fifth digit: 9

To form the complete address number, we combine these digits from left to right:
60,000 + 300 + 900 + 90 + 9 = 61,299

Therefore, Taylor's home street address number is 61,299.