Apples are sold at 3 for $2 at Busy Mart. At Big Foods, the same apples are sold at 5 for $2. Kassim buys 15 apples from Big Foods instead of Busy Mart. How much does he save?

Stall A 15 apples is equal to 10$

Stall B 15 apples is equal to 6$

saved 4$


To determine how much Kassim saves by buying apples from Big Foods instead of Busy Mart, we need to compare the prices per apple at both stores.

At Busy Mart, apples are sold at 3 for $2. To find the price per apple at Busy Mart, we divide the total cost by the number of apples: $2 / 3 = $0.67 per apple.

At Big Foods, apples are sold at 5 for $2. To find the price per apple at Big Foods, we divide the total cost by the number of apples: $2 / 5 = $0.40 per apple.

Now that we have the prices per apple at both stores, we can calculate the total savings.

Kassim buys 15 apples. If he had purchased them from Busy Mart, he would have paid $0.67 per apple, so the total cost would be: $0.67 * 15 = $10.05.

Since he bought the apples from Big Foods, where the price per apple is $0.40, the total cost is: $0.40 * 15 = $6.

Kassim saves $10.05 - $6 = $4.05 by buying apples from Big Foods instead of Busy Mart.

Ms. sue please help me to I don't understand.

2/3 = $0.67 per apple

2/5 = $0.40 per apple

Take it from there.

I need help as well