I am having trouble putting these numbers from greatest to least. Here are the numbers: .33, 1/3, 4/11, .309

Change the two fractions to equivalent decimals.

Thanks Ms. Sue. Would the decimals be .3 repeating and .36363

Yes. Can you arrange them now?

Sure. I believe the answer is .309, .363, .333, and .33. Am I right?


Round each to the nearest hundredth and see them as money,
0.31, 0.36, 0.33, 0.33 1/3

So would the answer be .363, .309, .333, and .333? Is it correct now?

No. Thirty-one cents is less than thirty-three cents.

So how would I put the numbers in order now?

Is the answer .363, .333, .33, .309? Is it right.

To put these numbers from greatest to least, we need to compare their values. Let's break it down step by step:

1. First, let's understand the given numbers:
- 0.33 is a decimal number.
- 1/3 is a fraction.
- 4/11 is also a fraction.
- 0.309 is another decimal number.

2. To compare decimal numbers, we can look at their place values:
- In this case, 0.309 is less than 0.33 because the digit in the hundredths place (0.0) is smaller.
- So, we can say 0.309 < 0.33.

3. Now, let's compare the fractions (1/3 and 4/11):
- When it comes to fractions, it's helpful to convert them to a common denominator.
- In this case, the lowest common denominator for 3 and 11 is 33.
- Converting 1/3 and 4/11 to this common denominator, we get 11/33 and 12/33, respectively.
- Now, we can compare these two fractions directly: 11/33 < 12/33, which means 1/3 < 4/11.

Putting it all together, we have the correct order from greatest to least:
4/11 > 0.33 > 1/3 > 0.309