Draw any obtuse angle XYZ construct PQR such that angleXYZ=anglePQR

To construct an obtuse angle XYZ where angle XYZ is equal to angle PQR, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a straight line and label it as XY.

Step 2: Use XY as the base for angle XYZ. To construct an obtuse angle, you need to create an angle larger than 90 degrees. To do this, select a point X on XY.

Step 3: Using a compass, set the width slightly larger than half the length of XY and draw an arc above XY, intersecting at two points, A and B. Keep the compass width the same for the next step.

Step 4: Without changing the compass width, set the compass on point A, and draw another arc above XY. Label the point of intersection with the arc as Z.

Step 5: Connect points X and Z to create line XZ. This will form the obtuse angle XYZ.

Step 6: Next, draw a point P on line XZ. This will be the vertex of the angle PQR.

Step 7: Set the compass width to the same as before and place it on point P. Draw an arc that intersects line XY twice, labeling the two points of intersection as Q and R.

Step 8: Finally, connect points P, Q, and R. This line segment will form the angle PQR, which is congruent to angle XYZ.

Now you have successfully constructed obtuse angle XYZ where angle XYZ is equal to angle PQR.

Do you know how to copy a triangle congruent to the one in front of you? If you do that, you have your angle :)
