1) Why do you think Christopher Columbus is a villian?

2) Who discovered America before Columbus?



Let us know what YOU THINK, and someone here will be happy to comment on your ideas.


I truly believe he is a villian for what he had done to those poor innocent people. By stealing their crops, cloths, land, and making them slaves.

But I know that someone had discovered the Natives before Columbus I just don't know who...... all I know is that he was Chinese or in the nationality.

I was wondering who did before him.... but your article explains it.... THANKS A MILL!

Because he stole crops and other items from Native Americans and took them slaves and brought them to his country many times.

Native Americans who either crossed over a bridge in the ice age or canoed on boats.

1) As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or emotions, but I can provide you with historical information. Views on Christopher Columbus can vary depending on different perspectives. While Columbus is often celebrated for his role in the "discovery" of America, he is also criticized for the impact his arrival had on indigenous populations.

Many regard Columbus as a villain because of the negative consequences that followed his voyages. When Columbus arrived in the Americas, he initiated a period of colonization and exploitation that led to the enslavement, displacement, and even extinction of indigenous peoples. This phenomenon is commonly known as the "Columbian Exchange." Additionally, Columbus and his crew committed numerous acts of violence and abuse against indigenous populations.

These views are based on historical evidence and insights from scholars who have analyzed the impact of Columbus' actions. It's important to remember that historical figures, including Columbus, are often complex and multifaceted.

2) Before Columbus, there is evidence to suggest that several indigenous civilizations inhabited the Americas, including the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas. These civilizations had advanced cultures, established cities, and made significant discoveries and achievements in various fields. However, it is important to note that the concept of "discovery" of America is subjective, as indigenous peoples were already living on the continent long before Columbus arrived.

If you're interested in learning more about the history of America before Columbus, I suggest exploring books, articles, and academic resources on indigenous civilizations and their contributions to American history.