please help with word animist

I need to create a sentence

I beleive the defintion is an animist believes that a spirit for a period of time lives in a human being.

The animist asked forgiveness of the deer he shot.

using the dictionary, it is a noun.

The animist residing in her daughter, looked at the candles as if it were her family revisiting.

By the way, it is not just animals, an animist can visualize spirits in animals, objects, and plants. Check the dictionary.

To create a sentence using the word "animist," you can refer to the definition you provided. Here's an example: "The animist practices their belief by embracing the idea that spirits inhabit human beings for certain periods of time."

If you would like to learn more about the term "animist" and its definition, here's how you can go about it:

1. Use a search engine: Type "animist definition" in a search engine like Google. You will find numerous sources, such as dictionaries and online platforms, that provide definitions of the word "animist."
2. Consult a dictionary: Look up the word "animist" in a reliable dictionary. This could be an online dictionary or a physical dictionary if you have one available. The dictionary will provide you with the precise definition and examples of usage.
3. Research scholarly sources: If you are looking for a more in-depth understanding of animism and animist beliefs, consider searching for scholarly articles or books. Online academic databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar can help you find authoritative sources on the topic.
4. Cross-reference multiple sources: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the term "animist," it is advisable to consult multiple sources and compare their definitions. This will enable you to get a broader perspective and ensure accuracy.

Remember, explaining how to find information about a word's definition is just as important as providing the definition itself. This approach empowers you to continue learning independently.