3. Which of the following is an example of a non-material aspect of culture?

A. Church Building
B. An altar
C. Religious decoration
D. Burning of incense
E. Burial site

Nonmaterial culture includes beliefs practices aesthetics (what they see as attactive) and values of a group of people. What members of a local culture produce in their material culture reflects the beliefs and values of their nonmaterial culture

All of them usually cost money

How does your text define non-material aspect of culture?

Is it D

It could be D. However, I think all of those fit your text's description.

It says Material Culture is a group of people that includes things they construct such as art houses clothing sports dance and foods.

So I thought A B C E are all Material Culture

Ahh -- that clarifies the answer.

So D Is correct?


To determine which of the options listed is an example of a non-material aspect of culture, we need to understand the concept of material and non-material aspects of culture.

Material aspects of culture refer to tangible, physical objects that are created, used, or valued by a particular culture. They can include items such as buildings, tools, clothing, artwork, and technology.

Non-material aspects of culture, on the other hand, are intangible and abstract elements that shape a culture. They include things like social norms, customs, beliefs, values, language, rituals, and symbols.

Now, let's analyze the options provided:

A. Church Building: This is a physical structure, a material aspect of culture, where religious activities take place. Therefore, it is not an example of a non-material aspect of culture.

B. An altar: Similar to the church building, an altar is a physical object used in religious practices. It is a material aspect of culture and not a non-material one.

C. Religious decoration: Again, this refers to tangible objects like decorations used in religious spaces. It is a material aspect of culture, not a non-material one.

D. Burning of incense: This is a practice or ritual associated with certain religious or cultural traditions. While it is not a physical object itself, it still falls under the category of material culture because it involves the use of physical items (incense). Therefore, it is not a non-material aspect of culture.

E. Burial site: A burial site can be seen as a physical location or space associated with certain cultural or religious practices. It is a material aspect of culture, rather than a non-material one.

After evaluating each option, none of them represents a non-material aspect of culture. All the given options are related to the material aspects of culture.