hello, so i'm doing a physics project where I have found the following equation for centripetal force: Fcent=mrù^2

Where f= centripetal force
ù=angular velocity
my question is to make centripetal force greater, does that mean mass, radius and angular velocity have to be greater too? because that is what I'm interpreting from the following equation.

update: for the u, I don't what happen to it but its supposed to be an omega sign--I guess the formatting got a little messed up

As long as there is no denominator in the formula, each of your variables is directly related to centripetal force.

This means if m, r or angular velocity are increased, then Fcent will increase.

Due to the squaring on one variable, an increase in that variable will have a larger influence on Centripetal force.

m r omega^2

is exactly the same as
m v^2/r
but the second may be an easier way to understand it.

remember v = omega * r
where v is tangential velocity (along the circumference if a circle)

Hello! In order to understand the effect of the variables in the centripetal force equation (Fcent = m * r * ω²), let's break it down:

1. Mass (m): According to the equation, if you increase the mass, the centripetal force will also increase. This means that a larger mass provides more resistance to changes in motion, resulting in a greater force needed to keep the object moving in a circular path.

2. Radius (r): The equation indicates that as the radius increases, the centripetal force decreases. This is because a larger radius results in a larger circumference, requiring more time to complete one revolution. Thus, less force is required to maintain the circular motion.

3. Angular velocity (ω): The angular velocity represents how fast the object is rotating. If you increase the angular velocity, the centripetal force will increase as well. This is because a higher angular velocity means the object is rotating more quickly, resulting in a larger force required to maintain its circular path.

To summarize, to increase the centripetal force:
- Increase the mass
- Decrease the radius
- Increase the angular velocity

However, it's important to note that changing one variable will affect the others in complex systems, and the specific effects will depend on the context and constraints of the problem.