Which of the following is a temperamental characteristic that is associated with prosocial behavior?

Low social anxiety

Popularity among peers

Coherent self-concept


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To determine which of the following is a temperamental characteristic associated with prosocial behavior, we need to understand the definitions of each option and then examine their relationship with prosocial behavior.

A. Low social anxiety refers to having little or no fear or discomfort in social situations. This characteristic may be associated with prosocial behavior because individuals who are less anxious in social interactions may feel more comfortable and confident in helping others.

B. Popularity among peers refers to being well-liked and admired by others. While popularity itself may not directly relate to prosocial behavior, individuals who are popular among their peers may feel motivated to engage in prosocial behaviors to maintain their positive social standing.

C. Coherent self-concept refers to having a clear and consistent understanding of one's own identity and values. This characteristic may relate to prosocial behavior because individuals with a well-defined self-concept may have a stronger sense of empathy and a higher likelihood of considering the needs and well-being of others.

D. Intelligence refers to the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. While intelligence itself may not directly correlate with prosocial behavior, individuals who are highly intelligent may possess the cognitive abilities necessary to understand and engage in prosocial actions.

Considering these explanations, the most likely temperamental characteristic associated with prosocial behavior from the given options would be C. Coherent self-concept. This characteristic suggests that individuals with a clear understanding of themselves are more likely to engage in behaviors that benefit others.

The temperamental characteristic that is associated with prosocial behavior is B. Popularity among peers.