what does lady macbeth tell her husband to be

http://nfs.sparknotes.com/ >> Macbeth

Go to Act 1, Scene 5 - the speech beginning with Line 42

You will quickly see what kind of person she wants her husband to be.

In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth tells her husband to "be a man" in Act 1, Scene 7 of the play. She is trying to convince Macbeth to carry out their plan to murder King Duncan. Lady Macbeth believes that Macbeth may be hesitant or reluctant to commit the act, so she uses the phrase "be a man" to question his courage and provoke his ambition.

To find this information, you can read the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Act 1, Scene 7 is where Lady Macbeth tries to persuade Macbeth to go through with their plan, and you will discover her telling him to "be a man" in this scene. Alternatively, you can look for summaries or analysis of the play that discuss Lady Macbeth's influential role and her use of the phrase "be a man" as a means of motivating Macbeth.