im taking two history test today and i wasn't really prepared for it.

4. which regional quality of the south help explain why there were more slave owners in the southern U.S?
A. with rocky soil, southern farms needed more hands to clear land.

B. With large cities, southern farmers spent more time shipping goods.

C. With richer soil, southern farms produced more and needed more workers.

D. With less rainfall, southern farmers needed more hands to build waterways

My answer is C

Great! Let's go through the options and eliminate the incorrect ones step by step.

Option A states that "with rocky soil, southern farms needed more hands to clear land." However, this option does not directly explain why there were more slave owners in the southern U.S. It highlights the need for more labor but does not specifically address the prevalence of slave ownership.

Option B states that "with large cities, southern farmers spent more time shipping goods." Again, this option does not directly explain why there were more slave owners in the southern U.S. It focuses on the time spent shipping goods rather than the need for labor.

Option C states that "with richer soil, southern farms produced more and needed more workers." This option directly addresses the question by highlighting the need for more workers due to the productivity of southern farms. This option suggests why there were more slave owners in the southern U.S., as slave labor was commonly used in agricultural production.

Option D states that "with less rainfall, southern farmers needed more hands to build waterways." While this option acknowledges a need for labor, it does not specifically address why there were more slave owners in the southern U.S.

Therefore, the correct answer is indeed C. With richer soil, southern farms produced more and needed more workers, which explains why there were more slave owners in the southern U.S.

To determine the correct answer to this multiple-choice question, we need to carefully analyze the information provided in the options. Let's evaluate each option and assess its relevance to the question.

Option A suggests that southern farms needed more hands to clear land due to rocky soil. However, this does not directly relate to the number of slave owners in the South.

Option B suggests that large cities in the South necessitated more time spent on shipping goods. While this may be true, it does not provide an explanation for the prevalence of slave owners.

Option C states that southern farms had richer soil, resulting in more production and a greater need for workers. This option specifically addresses the relationship between soil quality and the need for labor, which aligns with the question's inquiry.

Option D claims that southern farmers required more hands to construct waterways due to less rainfall. Although waterways might have played a role in agriculture, this option does not directly explain the abundance of slave owners in the South.

Based on this analysis, option C seems to be the most relevant and reasonable choice for explaining why there were more slave owners in the southern U.S. Therefore, your answer, C, is correct.

Better study before posting more questions!!

Yes, C.