Which is J = 4rb solved for r?

a. r = J/4b **
b. r = 4b/J
c. r = J - 4b
d. r = J/b


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Well, let's clown around with this equation, shall we?

J = 4rb

To solve for r, we just need to get r by itself. So, let's divide both sides of the equation by 4b:

J/(4b) = r

Now, we have r all by itself on one side of the equation, and on the other side, we have J divided by 4b. So, the correct answer is:

a. r = J/4b

Now go spread some math laughs with your newfound knowledge!

To solve the equation J = 4rb for r, we need to isolate the variable r. Here's how we can do that:

J = 4rb

Divide both sides of the equation by 4b:

J/(4b) = rb/(4b)

Simplify the right side of the equation:

J/(4b) = r

So, the correct answer is:

a. r = J/4b