one-half the distance from Boston to New York minus 25

To determine one-half the distance from Boston to New York minus 25, we first need to find the distance between the two cities, and then perform the necessary calculations.

Step 1: Finding the distance between Boston and New York
There are different methods you can use to find the distance between two cities, such as using online maps or GPS tools. For this example, let's assume the distance between Boston and New York is 215 miles.

Step 2: Calculating one-half the distance from Boston to New York minus 25
To calculate one-half of the distance between Boston and New York, divide the total distance by 2:
215 miles / 2 = 107.5 miles

Now, subtract 25 from the result:
107.5 miles - 25 = 82.5 miles

Therefore, one-half the distance from Boston to New York minus 25 is 82.5 miles.

0.5d - 25