Hi i'm pretty new to this and i don't know what to do?So i put these questions up im not sure if my answers will show up because i used color letters, but i need help checking and explaining steps

108 is 36% of what number? Write and solve a proportion to solve the problem.

7. 72 is what percent of 480? Write and solve an equation to solve the problem.

8. Estimate a 15% tip on a taxi ride that costs $23.25.

thanks so much (hugs)

weeeeeee im an butt cheeks

umm who wrote that that is so mean and who would want to play with a catfish who could me hiding in his mommas basement.


dont use colors.




so 15 percent is the sum of those, or about 3.51

thanks so much :)

sooooooo what are the answers because my brother is stupid and got us caught cheating with brainly so now I need to use this god forsaken website now, soo what are the answers .

also, find me on fortnight that's my name ok let's play together