A company is purchasing nine pieces of machinery that cost $7886 each. If the cost of each machine is estimated to the nearest $100, which of the following is an appropriate estimation of the total cost of the purchase.

To estimate the total cost of the purchase, we need to multiply the cost of one machine by the number of machines being purchased.

The cost of one machine is $7886. Since we are asked to estimate the cost to the nearest $100, we need to round $7886 to the nearest $100.

To do this, we look at the hundreds place, which is the second digit from the right. In this case, the hundreds digit is 8.

If the hundreds digit is 5 or greater, we round up. If the hundreds digit is less than 5, we round down.

Since 8 is greater than 5, we round up.

Rounding $7886 to the nearest $100 gives us an estimate of $7900 for the cost of one machine.

Now we can multiply $7900 by the number of machines being purchased, which is 9:

$7900 x 9 = $71,100

Therefore, an appropriate estimation of the total cost of the purchase is $71,100.