The perimeter of an isosceles trapezium is 134 cm and the bases are 54 cm and 30 cm in length of the nonparallel sides of the trapezium and its area.


Yes , You are all saying right given information is wrong .

To find the area of an isosceles trapezium, we need to know the lengths of its two parallel sides (bases) and the distance between these bases (height).

Given that the bases are 54 cm and 30 cm in length, we still need to determine the height. However, we have been provided with the perimeter of the trapezium, which we can use to find the height.

The perimeter of a trapezium is calculated by adding up the length of all its sides. In this case, the perimeter is given as 134 cm.

The perimeter of an isosceles trapezium can be expressed as the sum of the lengths of its two parallel sides (bases) and twice the length of its nonparallel sides. So, we can write the equation as follows:

Perimeter = length of base 1 + length of base 2 + 2(length of nonparallel side)

134 = 54 + 30 + 2(length of nonparallel side)

Simplifying the equation, we get:

134 = 84 + 2(length of nonparallel side)

Subtracting 84 from both sides, we have:

50 = 2(length of nonparallel side)

Dividing both sides by 2, we obtain:

25 = length of nonparallel side

Now that we know the length of the nonparallel side, we can find the height by subtracting the lengths of the two bases from the perimeter:

Height = Perimeter - (length of base 1 + length of base 2)

Height = 134 - (54 + 30)

Height = 134 - 84

Height = 50 cm

Finally, we can calculate the area of the trapezium using the formula:

Area = (sum of base lengths) x height / 2

Area = (54 + 30) x 50 / 2

Area = 84 x 50 / 2

Area = 4200 / 2

Area = 2100 square cm

Therefore, the area of the given isosceles trapezium is 2100 square cm.

Height is not perfect square so answer is wrong

Height is not coming correct . Question is wrong.

Height is not coming correct

Height is not coming correct Question is wrong.


Hight ìs not A perfect square no

Make a sketch

let each of the two equal sides be x
2x + 54 + 30 = 134
x = 25

sketch a right-angled triangle at one end of your trap
Easy to find the height using Pythagoras

Area = (1/2)(54+30)(height)