Choose the meaning that matches the word in quotation marks.

Before the debate began, the speaker's heart "fluttered" with nervous anticipation, and he breathed deeply to steady his nerves.

a. flapped quickly
b. beat rapidly
c. waved steadily
d. moved nervously

I don't know if it's a or b...
Thanks for the help! :-)

Yeah, I know, it seems like an idiotic question... so sorry.

Hmmm, no, I'm weighing in more with b.

I agree.


Thanks Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Heather.

To determine the meaning of the word "fluttered" in the given context, we can break it down and think about its characteristics.

Option a. "Flapped quickly" suggests a motion of flapping, similar to the quick movement of wings. This doesn't fit the context of the speaker's heart.

Option b. "Beat rapidly" refers to the fast and strong rhythmic contractions of the heart. This aligns closely with the speaker's nervous anticipation and is the most fitting interpretation.

Option c. "Waved steadily" implies a steady and controlled back and forth motion. This doesn't accurately describe the speaker's heart.

Option d. "Moved nervously" implies a continuous and restless motion due to nervousness. This can be a possible interpretation, but it doesn't capture the specific nature of the speaker's heart in this context.

Therefore, the most appropriate meaning for "fluttered" in the given context is option b. "Beat rapidly."