1& 1/7 + 2& 2/3


I do not get your notation.

1 + 1/7 = 7/7 + 1/7

= 8/7

I hope so but Anon used a + sign

between the 8/7 and the 8/3
so maybe
24/21 + 56/21 = 80/21

I do not know if that ampersand is a plus though

My guess is that when you say a mixed fraction e.g. 1 1/7, you literally say '1 and one seventh' so the & effectively means +

I guess lol

To add the mixed numbers 1&1/7 and 2&2/3, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
1&1/7 = 8/7
2&2/3 = 8/3

To convert 1&1/7 to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (1) by the denominator of the fraction (7) and add the numerator (1). Therefore, 1&1/7 = (1*7 + 1)/7 = 8/7.

To convert 2&2/3 to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and add the numerator (2). Therefore, 2&2/3 = (2*3 + 2)/3 = 8/3.

Step 2: Find a common denominator for the two fractions.
The common denominator for 7 and 3 is 21.

Step 3: Write both fractions with a common denominator.
8/7 = (8/7) * (3/3) = 24/21
8/3 = (8/3) * (7/7) = 56/21

Step 4: Add the fractions.
24/21 + 56/21 = (24 + 56)/21 = 80/21

So, the sum of 1&1/7 + 2&2/3 is 80/21.