Please help me on how to choose my career or which field my I follow

Think on these thing, hard:

What are you good at?
What are you not so good at?
What do you like?
What do you no like?

Now on those questions, be general: I like people, outdoors. I don't like things. I am good at reading and analysis. Or I am not good at reading.

Think it out yourself. No one can do it for you.

reading and writting 2making a speach fantasising on acting beating and holding grudges on someone

Choosing a career or field to pursue can be an important and sometimes challenging decision. Here are some steps you can take to help you choose the right path:

1. Self-reflection: Start by understanding yourself and your interests, values, strengths, and weaknesses. Reflect on activities or topics that you enjoy and that bring you a sense of fulfillment. Consider your personality traits and what environment or work style suits you best.

2. Research: Explore different career options and industries that align with your interests. Use online resources, such as career websites, professional networks, and job search platforms, to discover various fields, job descriptions, educational requirements, and potential career paths.

3. Seek guidance: Talk to professionals or experts in the fields you’re interested in. Connect with individuals who are already working in your desired career or field through informational interviews or networking events. They can provide valuable insights and firsthand experiences.

4. Gain experience: To get a better understanding of a specific field or industry, consider gaining practical experience. This could involve volunteering, internships, part-time jobs, or shadowing professionals in your desired field. The hands-on experience can help you assess if you enjoy the work and if it resonates with your skills and aspirations.

5. Education and training: Consider the educational requirements for the careers you are interested in. Evaluate whether you need a specific degree, certification, or specialized training to pursue your chosen field. Research universities, colleges, or vocational programs that offer relevant courses and programs.

6. Set goals and make a plan: Once you have gathered information about different career options and assessed your interests, skills, and goals, create a career plan. Set short-term and long-term goals to guide you in preparing for your chosen career path.

7. Stay adaptable: Understand that career paths can be dynamic and evolve over time. Remain open to exploring new opportunities, adapting your skills, and embracing change if needed. Continuously seek growth and learning opportunities to keep up with industry developments.

Remember, choosing a career is a personal decision, and it may take time to find the perfect fit. Embrace the journey, be patient with yourself, and trust the process of self-discovery.