My science homework questions is:

You measure the boiling temperature of 3 clear liquids. 1 of them boils at 100C. The other 2 at 85C and 115C. How can you use numbers to identify the first liquid?

Can someone help?

Doesn't water boil at 100C?

it does boil at 100c I have tred it with a science project in fourt grade

what to do

Sure! To identify the first liquid using numbers, you can use a process called "classification" or "categorization".

In this case, you have three clear liquids with different boiling temperatures: 100°C, 85°C, and 115°C. To identify the first liquid, you need to look for patterns or characteristics that distinguish it from the other two.

One approach is to group the liquids into categories based on their boiling temperatures. For instance, you can divide them into two categories: liquids that boil at a higher temperature than the first liquid (115°C) and liquids that boil at a lower temperature (85°C).

Since the first liquid boils at 100°C, it falls between the other two temperatures. This suggests that it may belong to a category that represents a medium boiling point.

Therefore, you can conclude that the first liquid can be identified as the one with a boiling temperature of 100°C, which is neither the highest (115°C) nor the lowest (85°C).