CheckPoint: Annotated Bibliography

As part of the writing process, you will refine your premise several times. Before you

eliminate any potential sources, you should create a record of your research in case you

decide to revisit an idea. An annotated bibliography tracks your research and compiles

summaries of each source. These summaries are valuable resources for writing your final


Resource: Finding, Evaluating, and Utilizing Credible Information; Appropriate Style Guidelines; the Center for Writing Excellence; and the completed Appendix D
Due Date: Day 3 [Individual forum]

Complete an annotated bibliography of the sources you plan to use in your research paper.
Answer the following question: What must you do to convert the annotated bibliography to an APA-formatted reference page, due in Week Seven as part of your rough draft?
Post the annotated bibliography as a Microsoft® Word attachment.

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what must you do to convert the annotated bibliography to an apa-formatted reference page?

Finding, Evaluating, and Utilizing Credible Information; Appropriate Style Guidelines; the Center for Writing Excellence; and the completed Appendix D Complete an annotated bibliography of the sources you plan to use in your research paper.

Answer the following question: What must you do to convert the annotated bibliography to an APA-formatted reference page, due in Week Seven as part of your rough draft?
Post the annotated bibliography as a Microsoft® Word attachment.

To convert an annotated bibliography to an APA-formatted reference page, follow these steps:

1. Start by organizing your annotated bibliography in alphabetical order, according to the author's last name or the title if no author is given. Make sure to follow APA's guidelines for alphabetical order.

2. For each entry in the annotated bibliography, identify the essential elements needed for an APA reference entry, including:
a. Author's last name, followed by initials. If there is no author, use the title as the first element.
b. Year of publication in parentheses.
c. Title of the source in sentence case, followed by any subtitles. Capitalize only the first letter of the title, any proper nouns, and any words that are normally capitalized.
d. Italicize the title of the source.
e. Provide the publication information, usually in a standard format:
- For books: Include the publisher's name and location.
- For journal articles: Include the journal's title in title case and italicized, volume number in italics, and page numbers.
- For websites: Include the URL or the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if available.

3. Next, convert the summaries in your annotated bibliography into proper references. Remove any personal thoughts or annotations and focus solely on creating a concise and objective reference list entry for each source.

4. Double-check the formatting of each reference to ensure it adheres to APA guidelines. Pay attention to capitalization, punctuation, and italicization. APA has specific rules for each element of a reference entry, so it's important to follow them accurately.

5. Make sure to include hanging indents for each reference. To achieve this, indent the second and subsequent lines of each reference entry by 0.5 inches (or 1.27 cm).

6. Review your converted annotated bibliography and proofread it thoroughly for any errors, ensuring that all necessary information is present in each reference entry.

7. Save the document as a Microsoft Word file and attach it in the designated format (according to the instructions provided) for submission as part of your rough draft.

Remember, this process may vary slightly depending on the specific requirements of your instructor or institution. It is always a good idea to consult the APA Publication Manual or an APA formatting guide for more detailed guidance on creating an APA-formatted reference page.