non verbal symbols

What is your question? What you posted is not even a sentence?

Nonverbal Symbols:

a cannot be studied or learned because they are in inherent part of a person B. have the same meaning within a single culture C. may be communicated from one person to another without the sender even realizing it D. are easy to clear up if they are misinterpreted because people are keenly aware of them when communicating

And you think the answer is ... ??

I think the answer is c

I agree!

Nonverbal symbols are forms of communication that do not involve spoken language. They are particularly important in nonverbal communication, where messages are conveyed through gestures, facial expressions, body language, and other nonverbal cues.

To understand nonverbal symbols, it is essential to develop observational skills and cultural awareness. Here are a few common nonverbal symbols and their meanings:

1. Facial expressions: Facial expressions, such as a smile, frown, or raised eyebrows, can convey emotions and attitudes.

2. Gestures: Hand movements and gestures can be culturally specific but also carry universal meanings. For example, a thumbs-up gesture typically signifies approval or agreement.

3. Body posture: The way one holds oneself, stands, or sits can communicate various messages about confidence, openness, and attentiveness.

4. Eye contact: Eye contact conveys interest, attention, and connection. The duration and intensity of eye contact can also carry different implications across different cultures.

5. Proxemics: Proxemics refers to the use of personal space to communicate. Different cultures have different norms regarding personal distance, which can convey openness or intimacy.

6. Touch: Touch can communicate affection, support, or aggression. Cultural norms and the nature of relationships heavily influence the meanings of touch.

Understanding nonverbal symbols requires paying attention to the context, cultural background, and individual differences. Observing and interpreting these symbols accurately can help develop effective communication skills and enhance understanding in interpersonal interactions.