Which of these describes the location of the Gulf of Mexico? (5 points)

South of West Florida
East of East Florida***
West of New Orleans
South of Great Britain
© 2012 The Exploration Company

What can you infer about what Lewis and Clark saw as they moved west from the Mississippi River? (5 points)

The land on the east coast was more fertile than the land in the west.
The landscape rose sharply and then flattened as they went farther west.***
The Mississippi River was higher than the mountains in the east.
The mountains in the west were taller than the mountains in the east.
5. U.S. Groups of the Late 1700s and Early 1800s
Indentured Servents
Native Americans
African American
Working Class
Which statement best summarizes the historical position of all groups listed above? (5 points)

All people in the United States are citizens.
All people in the United States are free.
The U.S. government represents everyone's needs.
The United States has unequal economic opportunities.
6. Kyle writes an essay about indentured servants in the 1800s:
Unlike the colonial era, indentured servants in the 1800s were mostly born in the United States. Many indentured servants were young people who hoped to gain a better life after a period of work. They committed themselves to a master for a period of several years. The master usually paid some of their expenses and was required to free them at the end of their contract period.

Which statement corrects a mistake in Kyle's essay? (5 points)

Indentured servants in the early 1800s were usually immigrants.
Most indentured servants were older people who had fallen on hard times.
Indentured servants had the right to stop working whenever they wished.
Masters rarely freed indentured servants at the end of a contract.
7. What did the Adams-Onis Treaty accomplish? (5 points)

Gave the United States rights to the Mississippi River
Prevented Florida from helping escaped slaves
Purchased Florida from Spain for the United States
Transferred Florida back to Spain from Britain
8. What event led to the U.S. purchase of the Louisiana Territory? (5 points)

The burning of a U.S. Navy ship in the First Barbary War
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Marbury vs. Madison
The successful Haitian slave revolt
Napoleon losing money in his European wars
9. Who was intended to benefit from the Land Act of 1800? (5 points)

A large-scale farmer with vast acreage
A plantation owner in the South
A poor family that wanted property
A wealthy estate owner in the East
Using the map and your knowledge of U.S. history, what do the details of the Rocky Mountains suggest about the Lewis and Clark expedition? (5 points)

The group made a grave mistake in not turning back in Missouri.
The group really could have traveled by river all the way to the west coast.
The group would have been better off traveling by horseback the entire journey.
The group most definitely needed a guide to find the easiest route through the mountains.
11. What did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention do to end the debate about how to elect the President? (5 points)

They decided to let Congress elect the President.
They decided to let the people elect the President.
They created an Electoral College to elect the President.
They decided to let the state's governors elect the President.
12. The Articles of Confederation established a representative government. Which answer best explains how it worked? (5 points)

Every state had an equal vote in Congress.
Small states had one vote in Congress; large states had two votes.
The number of representatives was based on the state's population.
The number of representatives was based on the physical size of the state.
13. In addition to cooking and cleaning, what other duties did colonial girls often have? (5 points)

Once they reached thirteen years of age, they were responsible for caring for pregnant women and infants.
They would often help their mothers create household goods like clothing, candles, and soap that could be traded.
At fifteen years old, they became responsible for supervising the slaves and servants, and entertaining guests.
They were normally responsible for planning the family's religious activities, but their plans had to be approved by their mother.
14. During his presidency, Thomas Jefferson cut prices on land and encouraged westward settlement. What was Jefferson's motive for doing these things? (5 points)

He was seeking to cut military spending.
He had a vision of a more agrarian society.
He wanted to increase taxes to reduce government debt.
He was trying to encourage more people to move to the U.S.
15. The War of 1812 and the American Revolutionary War both took place in American territory. What is another factor that these wars had in common? (5 points)

They were both about claiming territory
They were both about taxes and slavery.
They were both about American authority.
They were both about financial independence.
16. What was the main idea behind the Federalist Papers? (5 points)

Support of states' rights
Support of the Bill of Rights
Support of a strong federal government
Support of the Articles of Confederation
17. What motive did the Founding Fathers have for adding the right to bear arms into the Constitution? (5 points)

To drive up the cost of weapons and ammunition
To ensure that the government would have a strong national military
To make sure people could defend themselves against the government
To try to get the delegates from the Southern states to ratify the Constitution
18. Which of the following is a notable influence of Native American culture on the geography of the United States? (5 points)

Many places are named using Native American words.
Native Americans created safe passages through mountain areas.
Many of the cities today were built by Native American tribes.
Native Americans built many dams and changed the direction of rivers.
19. Which answer best explains how the Articles of Confederation set up governmental roles for dealing with foreign governments? (5 points)

Congress had the power to make foreign treaties.
The states had the power to make foreign treaties.
Congress could write treaties, but they needed to be approved by the states.
The states could write treaties, but they needed to be approved by Congress.
20. When the Framers decided to use population as a basis for tax rates, what debated issue was resolved? (5 points)

Whether to take steps to limit the slave trade
Whether to allow states or Congress to tax trade
Whether to directly or indirectly elect the President
Whether to count slaves in the population of the South.

You've only answered the first two of these questions, and both are wrong. I recommend you actually read your text materials (and look at some maps), then answer the questions. Someone here will be glad to check your answers.

Ms. Sue please help I really need it!!!

1. The Gulf of Mexico is located east of East Florida.

2. As Lewis and Clark moved west from the Mississippi River, the landscape rose sharply and then flattened.
3. The historical position of all groups listed above is that the United States has unequal economic opportunities.
4. The correct statement that corrects a mistake in Kyle's essay is that indentured servants in the early 1800s were usually immigrants.
5. The Adams-Onis Treaty accomplished the purchase of Florida from Spain for the United States.
6. The event that led to the U.S. purchase of the Louisiana Territory was Napoleon losing money in his European wars.
7. The Land Act of 1800 was intended to benefit a poor family that wanted property.
8. The details of the Rocky Mountains suggest that the Lewis and Clark expedition most definitely needed a guide to find the easiest route through the mountains.
9. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention created an Electoral College to elect the President and end the debate about how to elect the President.
10. The Articles of Confederation established a representative government in which every state had an equal vote in Congress.
11. In addition to cooking and cleaning, colonial girls often helped their mothers create household goods like clothing, candles, and soap that could be traded.
12. Thomas Jefferson's motive for cutting prices on land and encouraging westward settlement was to increase taxes and reduce government debt.
13. The War of 1812 and the American Revolutionary War both took place in American territory and were both about American authority.
14. The main idea behind the Federalist Papers was support of a strong federal government.
15. The Founding Fathers added the right to bear arms into the Constitution to ensure that people could defend themselves against the government.
16. A notable influence of Native American culture on the geography of the United States is that many places are named using Native American words.
17. The Articles of Confederation set up governmental roles for dealing with foreign governments by giving Congress the power to make foreign treaties.
18. When the Framers decided to use population as a basis for tax rates, they resolved the issue of whether to count slaves in the population of the South.

To answer the questions, you can go through the given options and eliminate the incorrect ones based on your knowledge of the subject. For example:

Question 1:
To determine the location of the Gulf of Mexico, you can use your knowledge of geography. The Gulf of Mexico is located in the southwestern part of the United States. By looking at the options, you can eliminate "East of East Florida" and "South of Great Britain" as incorrect answers. From the remaining options, "South of West Florida" is the correct answer.

Question 2:
To infer what Lewis and Clark saw as they moved west from the Mississippi River, you can make an educated guess based on your knowledge of their expedition. Lewis and Clark were exploring the western part of the United States, so the landscape would likely change as they moved farther west. From the given options, "The landscape rose sharply and then flattened as they went farther west" is the best inference.

Question 3:
To summarize the historical position of all the groups listed in the late 1700s and early 1800s, you can analyze the given options. From the options, "The United States has unequal economic opportunities" best summarizes the historical position of all the groups listed.

Question 4:
To correct a mistake in Kyle's essay about indentured servants in the 1800s, you can evaluate the options based on your knowledge of indentured servants. From the given options, "Indentured servants in the early 1800s were usually immigrants" corrects the mistake in Kyle's essay.

Continue this process for the remaining questions, and use your knowledge and reasoning skills to select the correct answer from the options provided.