Write True or False. If False, Explain why!

1. In a position vs. Time graph, a line whose slope is negative represents an object that is slowing down.
Answer: I circled True but it's not. Can you explain why my answer is wrong.

2. An object can have a non-zero velocity while not accelerating.
Answer: I had False but the answer is True. Why?

3. An object can have a non-zero acceleration while not having a velocity.
Answer: I had TRUE, however, I'm confused on how tho bc I guessed.

Much apreciated

1. False: In a position vs. time graph, a line whose slope is negative represents an object that is moving in the negative direction (opposite to the positive direction on the graph), but it does not necessarily mean the object is slowing down. The object could still be moving at a constant speed in the negative direction, or it could be moving at a decreasing speed (slowing down) in the positive direction.

2. True: An object can have a non-zero velocity while not accelerating. Velocity is a vector quantity that describes both the magnitude (speed) and direction of an object's motion. If the object is moving in a straight line at a constant speed, it has a non-zero velocity but zero acceleration. Acceleration, on the other hand, refers to any change in velocity, meaning a change in speed, direction, or both.

3. False: An object cannot have a non-zero acceleration while not having a velocity. Acceleration is defined as the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time. A non-zero acceleration indicates that there is a change in velocity, either in magnitude (speed) or direction. If an object has zero velocity, it means it is not moving, and therefore there is no change in velocity, and subsequently, no acceleration.