Which law of chemical is illustrated by the fact that 168g of iron with 72g of water to form 232g of ferric oxide And 8g hydrogen

The law of conservation of mass is illustrated by the given chemical reaction. According to this law, matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. The total mass of the reactants should be equal to the total mass of the products.

In this case, we have 168g of iron (Fe) reacting with 72g of water (H2O) to form 232g of ferric oxide (Fe2O3), and 8g of hydrogen (H2) is also produced.

To determine if the law of conservation of mass holds true, we can calculate the total mass of the reactants and compare it to the total mass of the products.

Mass of iron (Fe) = 168g
Mass of water (H2O) = 72g

Total mass of reactants = Mass of iron + Mass of water
= 168g + 72g
= 240g

Mass of ferric oxide (Fe2O3) = 232g
Mass of hydrogen (H2) = 8g

Total mass of products = Mass of ferric oxide + Mass of hydrogen
= 232g + 8g
= 240g

As you can see, the total mass of the reactants (240g) is equal to the total mass of the products (240g). This confirms the validity of the law of conservation of mass in this chemical reaction.