You are on a hike in the mountains. You have 3.03 km left to go before your next campsite. The sun will set in 5.2 h.

What average speed must you walk to get
to camp at sunset?
Answer in units of km/h.

To calculate the average speed needed to reach the campsite before sunset, we need to divide the remaining distance by the remaining time.

Remaining distance: 3.03 km
Remaining time: 5.2 hours

Average speed = Remaining distance / Remaining time
Average speed = 3.03 km / 5.2 hours

Dividing 3.03 km by 5.2 hours, we get:

Average speed = 0.583 km/h

Therefore, you must walk at an average speed of approximately 0.583 km/h to reach the campsite before sunset.

To determine the average speed you need to walk to reach your next campsite before sunset, you can use the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Time

In this case, the total distance remaining is 3.03 km and the remaining time until sunset is 5.2 hours.

So, to find the average speed, divide the total distance by the remaining time:

Average Speed = 3.03 km / 5.2 h

Calculating the division, the average speed is approximately:

Average Speed = 0.583 km/h

Therefore, you must walk at an average speed of approximately 0.583 km/h to reach your next campsite before sunset.
