Between 1763 and 1815, most of the population was made up of indentured servants, slaves, women, children, and the working class. Even so, policies were written mainly by white, male landowners.

Which answer explains why this was the case?

The other groups of people did not live in cities, where policy writing took place.

The other groups of people did not have any power and most did not have basic rights. ***

The other groups of people were busy carrying out more important functions in society.

The other groups of people were mainly younger people and weren't of legal age to vote.

You are correct.


The answer that explains why policies were mainly written by white, male landowners is:

The other groups of people did not have any power and most did not have basic rights.

During the time period of 1763 to 1815, society was structured in a way that privileged certain individuals over others. White, male landowners held the majority of power and influence in society. They had the wealth and social status that allowed them to have a say in policy-making and decision-making processes.

On the other hand, indentured servants, slaves, women, children, and the working class did not have the same privileges and rights. Many of these groups were marginalized, oppressed, or considered property rather than individuals with agency and autonomy. They often lacked basic rights such as voting, property ownership, and legal protections.

These groups also faced significant structural barriers that prevented them from participating in policy-writing processes. For example, slaves were treated as property and denied legal personhood, while women were typically excluded from political and civic activities. Additionally, the working class and indentured servants often lacked the resources, education, and social connections necessary to exert influence on policy decisions.

Therefore, the main reason why policies were primarily written by white, male landowners during this time period was the significant power imbalance and lack of rights experienced by other groups in society.

.... and now ?