Ashoka and Sumit ran a 100 meter race. Ashoka took 18 1/5 seconds and sumit took 21 3/4 seconds. How much longer did sumit take?

21 15/20 - 18 4/20 = ?

Yes respones

To compare the time taken by Ashoka and Sumit, we need to convert their times to a common denominator.

Ashoka's time: 18 1/5 seconds = 18.2 seconds (since 1/5 = 0.2)

Sumit's time: 21 3/4 seconds = 21.75 seconds (since 3/4 = 0.75)

To find out how much longer Sumit took, we need to subtract Ashoka's time from Sumit's time.

21.75 seconds - 18.2 seconds = 3.55 seconds

Therefore, Sumit took 3.55 seconds longer than Ashoka in the race.

To find out how much longer Sumit took compared to Ashoka, we need to calculate the difference between their respective race times.

First, let's convert Ashoka's time to a single fraction. Ashoka took 18 1/5 seconds, which can be converted to a mixed fraction as (18 * 5/5 + 1/5) = 91/5 seconds.

Now, we need to convert Sumit's time to a single fraction. Sumit took 21 3/4 seconds, which, when converted to a mixed fraction, becomes (21 * 4/4 + 3/4) = 87/4 seconds.

To calculate the difference between their times, we subtract Ashoka's time from Sumit's time:

87/4 seconds - 91/5 seconds

Since the fractions have different denominators, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 4 and 5 is 20.

Converting both fractions to have a common denominator:

(87/4) * (5/5) = 435/20 seconds
(91/5) * (4/4) = 364/20 seconds

Now, we can calculate the difference:

435/20 seconds - 364/20 seconds = (435 - 364)/20 seconds = 71/20 seconds

Therefore, Sumit took 71/20 seconds longer than Ashoka in the race.